Here's some things that caught my eye around the Internet today.
- This 7 year old took his grandmother's car for a joyride. You should pay attention to the interview with the child, and hope your own children don't have the same attitude.
- Kurt Cobain's daughter is becoming exactly what her late father would have despised.
- You may want to check out the next DVD you buy first before showing it to your child.
- Are there any Atheists in foxholes? Maybe.....
- Bruce Springsteen wrote a beautiful eulogy for his bandmate, Danny Federici.
- When I read horrific stories like this, it's hard to remember that the Muslim religion is actually based on peace and tolerance.
- Beware if you are planning a cruise on a Royal Caribbean ship.
- God has his own website..... (Warning: I don't consider it child-friendly)
Have a blessed day!
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