Monday, March 31, 2008

Mixed Bag Monday

Here are a few things that caught my eye:

  • Sister Barbara Markey, a Roman Catholic nun, pled guilty to theft from the Oklahoma archdiocese.......she was largely responsible for developing the FOCCUS pre-marital therapy program which is widely used throughout the country.

  • A community is dealing with some very disturbing vandalism of a Jewish synagogue.....

  • A fellow blogger personally, albeit unintentionally, discovers how easy it still is to get a weapon on to a plane......

  • A student is suing a school for strip searching her while looking for.....ibuprofen....

  • Televangelists who preach prosperity gospel and fly around in Lear jets are still being examined by the Senate.....

  • Married couples serving in Iraq are finally allowed to share living quarters....


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